Izinga Estate

The architectural style for Izinga is an earthy African colour palette, combined with Mediterranean/Balinese form. Izinga has its own Management Association to take care of issues such as security management and maintenance of public spaces.

A classical expression of sub-tropical architecture clad in the tones and textures of Africa.

To develop a suburb with a character of its own there is a need for uniformity and cohesiveness in building features. These features are effectively intended to be design responses to the climatic conditions of the environment.

This design code focuses on the treatment of roofs, scale, walls, windows, verandas and streetscape in order to facilitate a suburb characterised by its cohesiveness and appropriate climatic response.

Living At Izinga

It is the intention that the airy character with visually dominating roofs, large verandas and uniform use of colour, common to the suburbs in sub-tropical regions of the Mediterranean, blended with the textures and earthy tones of Africa will form the basis of the architectural language of Izinga.

Landscaping Guidelines

The overall aim within the natural landscape areas is to enhance the function of the natural environment, rather than style or manicure it. These areas, once established, should require little maintenance apart from ongoing removal of alien invader plants and maintenance to formalised trails.
Only indigenous plants will be specified for these areas. We will be introducing some colour into the natural areas, particularly on the edges of Forests and wetlands with the use of some seasonal flowering shrubs and bulbs, groundcovers and grasses.

The Landscape Design will be formulated to complement the KwaZulu-Natal Coastal environment and the proposed architecture.

We believe the natural areas should be enjoyed by Izinga residents and will be placing eco-friendly trails through some of the natural areas, with the approval of the Environmental Officer. These trails are managed by the Management Association (MA).

Izinga Landscaping Guidelines

The vision is to transform the existing valleys and hills, currently planted with sugar cane, to KwaZulu Natal Coastal Lowland forest. The public open space that falls within the flood lines and buffer zones will be 100% indigenous with species representing the local forests. These indigenous valleys will become environmental corridors that encourage bird life back to the overall site.